welcomes children of all ages. Nursery for the littlest ones, Church School
classes for Pre-K through Grade 4, Junior Youth Group for pre-teens and
Senior Youth Group (for ex-confirmands) for teenagers make MRUC a warm and
inviting church home for young people to learn about God and His place in our
us on Sunday mornings at 10:30
Children experience worship in MRUC's beautiful
sanctuary with their families, then enjoy a special welcome and Children's Focus
with Rev. David Clinker before
they head off to class with their teachers.
Primary Church School, ages 5
to 9, and the Middle School Group, pre-teens aged 10
to 12, use the "Seasons of the Spirit"
curriculum, which ties into Rev. David's
more information on typical Sunday School Activities, check out the Advent and Christmas Season.
Youth Group welcomes teens that want to
experience the relevance of Jesus and God in their lives, and who want to
have FUN doing
it! They participate in mission and outreach fund-raisers for immediate
community and the world-at-large. Sounds like a serious bunch? Actually, they
have a great time! For more information on typical activities, check out the Christmas Season Activities
Our adult education program provides Bible study and
discussion groups along with presentations from noted theologians as well as
clerics of other faiths. We offer the chance to search and question as well
as deepen faith through discovery.

“A Fresh Take On Jesus”
November 7, 2012 to Jan 16, 2013
Wednesday evenings from 7-9ish
Want to grow
in faith, wonder, and imagination?
Talk with
others about who this Jesus is, what God is doing in this world, and what
it means for us to be a part of that?
Then come
join us as we read through:
Rob Bell’s Velvet
Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith
“This book is for those who need a fresh take on
Jesus and what it means to live the kind of life he teaches us to live.
This pursuit of Jesus is leading us backward as much as forward... I am learning that what seems brand new
is often the discovery of something that's been there all along—it just got lost somewhere and it needs to be
picked up, dusted off, and reclaimed” – from
the introduction.
opportunity to grow in faith together as we read a book by one of today’s
most influential Christian writers, and discuss what it means to be a fan
and follower of Jesus, be a part of church, believe in a loving God, and
what that means for our lives today. Each week we’ll read a chapter and see
where it takes us.
Buy Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith
from Chapters, Amazon, or your local bookstore.
Bring it along with you and we’ll go from there.
Rob Bell is the founder and pastor of Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Time Magazine listed him as one of the most influential Christian
thinkers of this generation. Rob’s books and teaching aids have spoken to
all kinds of topics such as faith, sexuality, church, suffering,
creativity, and preaching. Through his engaging sermons, books, video
series, and workshops on preaching and technology, Rob has quickly become
an extremely popular, influential, and even controversial figure, in
contemporary Christianity. His articulation, style and approach is fresh, engaging
and thought-provoking.
contact nick coates at MRUC
join in and for information
Lenten Adult Study Series
“Christian practices are not activities we do to make
something spiritual happen in our lives. Nor are they duties we undertake to
be obedient to God. Rather, they are patterns of communal action that
create openings in our lives where the grace, mercy, and presence of God
may be made known to us. They are places where the power of God is
experienced. In the end, these are not ultimately our practices but forms
of participation in the practice of God.”
Craig Dykstra
March 1: Keeping Sabbath
March 8: Hospitality
March 15: Discernment
March 22: Household
March 29: Forgiveness
April 5: Healing
Tuesdays, Oct.
10, 17and 24, 2007 noon
- 2p.m., DMR
From the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to "666" and Armageddon,
the surreal visions in the last book of the Bible have long been seared
into popular culture in books, plays, film and art. What is actually in the
Book of Revelation and what do its apocalyptic messages and symbols mean?
We welcome back Dr. Paul Garnet, former professor of Biblical Studies at
Concordia University, to provide some fascinating answers in a three-part
lunch and learn series starting Oct. 10 at noon.
Bring your own brown bag favourites and the Adult Education Committee will
provide tea, juice and cookies.
Before the first session, it would be helpful to read Daniel, chapters 7
and 9 and Revelation, chapters 1 to 5.For more information, call the church
office at (514)
Five Tuesdays, April 18 to May 16, 2006
Join Dr. Paul Garnet, former professor of Biblical Studies at Concordia
University, for an intriguing study of St. Paul, his message and his
influence on the early church.
12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM
You can attend whichever session strikes your fancy in this
bring-your-lunch series.
(tea provided)
Call the office to register 739-7741 or e-mail
Wednesday, October
5, 12, 19 & 26, 2005
12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM
Join us for a discussion of Marcus Borg’s well
received book,"The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering the Life of
In this short (256 page)book, Borg not only outlines some of the changes
and challenges facing those who wish to live by the Christian faith today –
He also shows how we can live passionately as Christians in today’s world.
Borg stresses seeing the Christian life as a transforming relationship with
God, and emphasizes the role of practice in living the Christian life. He
explores how prayer, baptism, communion, talking to our children about God,
and more can be both authentically Christian and life-giving practices.
Bible Study
Wednesday, March 9,
16, 23, 2005
12:00 noon to 2:00 PM, Daisy Morrow Room
Join us for our Lenten Bible Study as we explore the development of Jesus’
teaching, including sayings, parables and the beatitudes, and how Jesus’
teachings are represented in the Bible.
Interpretation: A Guide to Understanding the Bible Today
Wednesdays, Sept. 22 to Oct. 27, 2004
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Join our minister, David Clinker, for a six week
study program that will help you make sense out of your Bible. Using the
Kerygma Series, Interpretation: A Guide to Understanding the Bible Today
as our resource, we will
• gain an overview of the Bible
• identify many of the different kinds of writings found in the Bible
• develop six basic skills to help us interpret what we read
• utilize resources to help us untangle some of the most confusing and
troublesome passages
Wednesday, March 1 at 7 p.m. at Annunciation Parish Church
Laird at Moyle in TMR
off again, but this time just a short walk over to our neighbours at Annunciation
Parish to take part in the traditional Roman Catholic mass at the start of
Lent. Afterwards, the parish's
new priest, Father Brian Boucher, will join us to discuss the main tenets
of Catholic beliefs and practice and answer any and all of our questions.
As Annunciation is so close by, we will meet there inside the entrance at
6:50 p.m. so that Father Boucher can welcome us and orient our
participation in the half-hour (approx.) service. Dinner possible for those
not immediately giving up everything for the duration. Please let us know
if you will be joining us by calling the office at 739-7741.
Friday, October
28, 2005, 6 p.m.
50 Kesmark St., D.D.O.
on the road again! This time we'll
be visiting the shining Hindu Mandir beside the Marché de l'ouest,
just off Boul. des Sources in Dollard des Ormeaux. Temple leaders will
explain the main features of Hinduism and take us on a tour of the recently
extended religious complex, which also acts as a community centre and
outreach support for the Hindu Community. We will be able to observe some
of the daily prayer sessions taking place at 7 p.m.
Dinner afterwards can be arranged for those interested. As usual,
car-pooling is available. We will be leaving from Lynn Hall at 6 p.m. on
Oct. 28 to give ourselves ample time to contend with the westbound traffic
on Highway 40. Call the church office (739-7741) as soon as possible
to let us know if you will be joining us. This trip is part of a series run
by your Adult Christian Education Committee to foster Insight into Other
Tues., Oct. 4, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
at Rosedale-Queen Mary United Church, 6870 Terrebonne in N.D.G
A labyrinth is a circular path designed to enhance meditation
in a comforting ritual used by many cultures for more than 3,500 years.
Christians have used the labyrinth as a spiritual tool since the 4th
Century, particularly at European pilgrimage sites at the time of the
Crusades in the Middle Ages when it was not safe to travel to the Holy
Land. Rosedale-Queen Mary United Church has a beautiful, lit outdoor
labyrinth. On. Oct 4, Rev. Neil Whitehouse is holding a workshop explaining
this unique form of meditation and he invites us to spend some time walking
with God, who shares our burdens, hopes and fears. The walk takes place
rain or shine, but there is an indoor alternative path should a deluge
reach biblical proportions. Interested? Please call the church office at 739-7741 to
let us know if you're joining
us. Car-pooling is possible.
Brought to you by your Adult Christian Education Committee.
Friday, April 1,
2005 at 6 p.m.,
1000 Lucerne Rd. TMR
off again! This time, we're visiting
our neighbours at Congregation Beth-El on Lucerne Rd. We will attend the
45-minute Sabbath eve service of prayers and afterwards, Rabbi Ronnie
Cahana will explain the main tenets of Judaism and answer any questions.
Beth-El is a Conservative congregation and men and women worship together.
Jackets and ties, skirts and dresses are the preferred attire. Head
coverings will be provided for men and married women, or you can wear your
own hat. Supper at a restaurant might happen afterwards. There is ample
parking in the lot beside the synagogue. We want to arrive 10 to 15 minutes
before the service starts, so we will be leaving the Lynn Hall at 5:30 p.m.
on April 1. Call the church office (739-7741) as soon as possible
to let us know if you will be joining us. This trip is part of a series run
by your Adult Christian Education Committee to foster Insight into Other
Saturday, February
26, 2005 at 11 AM
4450 Van Horne at Lavoie, Parlour
Learning about other faith traditions first-hand can
bridge gaps with greater understanding. This time, we're
going to the Tam Bao Son Buddhist Pagoda (close by on Van Horne at Lavoie)
for the daily offering ceremony. After the short service (about 20 minutes)
Rev. Pho Tinh will explain the main tenets of Buddhism, which has been
described as a religion of infinite compassion, and answer any questions. A
light vegetarian lunch at the temple is possible with advance notice. Car
pooling available. We will be leaving for Tam Bao Son from the Lynn Hall at
10:30 a.m. on Feb. 26. Please call the church office (739-7741)
as soon as possible to let us know if you will be joining us. This trip is
part of a series planned by your Adult Christian Education Committee to
foster Insight Into Other Religions.