JAN.  6           Jim McCall-Captain

                        Sadie Fergus-Minister’s aid

                        Tun Thwin-Guest Book

                        Sheila Norman


JAN. 13           Lori Shaw-Captain

                        Pascale Annoual-Minister’s aid

                        Joan Meyer-Guest Book

                        Verena Mereb


JAN.  20          Jim McAlpine-Captain

Robbie McAlpine-Minister’s aid

Barbara Bissett

Cathy Farrell


JAN . 27          4 Youth greeters



FEB.  3           Doug Pryde-Captain

                        Helen Stanley Smith-Minister’s aid

                        Joan Johnstone-Guest Book

                        Erika Gisel


FEB.  10          Gay Elkas-Captain

                        Yolanda Maradiaga-Minister’s aid

                        Terry Higgins-Guest Book

                        Winnie Stewart


FEB.  17          David Arrayet-Captain

                        George Young-Minister’s aid

                        Doug Pryde-Guest Book

                        Sandra Aird


FEB.  24          4 youth greeters



MAR.  3         Tun Thwin-Captain

                        Sheila Norman-Minister’s aid

                        Erika Gisel-Guest Book

                        John Mackay


MAR. 10         John Miller-Captain

                        Betty Miller-Minister’s aid

                        Ann Price-Guest Book

                        Florence deLery


MAR. 17         Bob Tabah-Captain

                        Jeannette Tabah-Minister’s aid

                        Ingrid Thompson-Guest Book

                        Bob Conyers


MAR. 24         Paul Stanfield-Captain

                        Ann Stanfield-Minister’s aid

                        San Chhith-Guest Book

                        Kosal Chhith


MAR.29          GOOD FRIDAY

                        Sandra Aird

                        Tun Thwin
















December 2012


Dear Friends

                                                Re:  Sunday Service/Greeters                        


Your support is needed so we will continue to be known as a "welcoming church” greeting and welcoming all who come to worship. This includes handing out the Sunday bulletin, taking up the offering, and escorting visitors to our time of fellowship at coffee after the service in Lynn Hall.


We invite you to share in this effort on the date or dates shown on the attached sheets.




1.         The Captain will be in charge of assigning greeters to the doors at the front and side of the Church, aisle assignments for gathering the offering and deciding which two greeters take the offering to the minister at the front of the church. (4 greeters are needed for each service, except summer services)


NOTE: Please be on hand to welcome the worshipers twenty-five minutes before the service begins.


Greeter stationed at side door. PLEASE CLOSE SIDE DOOR AS SERVICE COMMENCES.


2.         Ministers’ aide: The ministers’ aide is to stand with the minister as the congregation is leaving the church. The minister should be asked before the service if he requires anything special on that particular Sunday.


3.         Guest Book: Please check closely for visitors. Invite them to sign the Guest Book. If possible, observe where they sit, and after the service ask them to join you for coffee in Lynn Hall.


4.         Replacement:  If you are unable to “Greet” on the Sunday assigned, please find a substitute and indicate the change on the Master Greeter’s list on the bulletin board located across from the church office.





Sandra K. Aird